History of the Dissolution of Marxism in China, End of Communist Ideology

Suhari Ete
5 min readMar 3, 2023


Deng Xiaoping (Kanan) tokoh sosialisme di China yang memperdebatkan Marxisme dengan Mao Zedong. Foto: Ist/Net

The history of the dissolution of Marxism in China marked the end of communist ideology in the Bamboo Curtain country. Chinese society cannot stand the repressive actions of its authoritarian leaders.

Likewise with the character of Mao Zedong’s iron fist who always fails to apply his thoughts in real life.

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is crawling backwards approaching bankruptcy. The end of Marxism in China since the 1990s is the same as that of Marxism in Russia and Eastern Europe.

The first time that marked the end of Marxism in these countries was the inactivity of the research institutions of Marxism.

In China the dissolution of research institutions of Marxism took place in January 1995. As reported by the official Xinhua News Agency.

The director of the Academy of Social Sciences, He Bingmen, told journalists that the research center for the ideology of Marxism had stopped. He said the closure of the research body on Marxism but other parts of the spectrum of Social Sciences research was still operating normally.

He Bingmen said the spectrum in the economic field is still doing well. This is because the Academy of Social Sciences will currently focus its research on finance, budget, foreign trade, and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

History of the Dissolution of Marxism in China, the People Sided with Deng Xiaoping
After the cultural revolution in 1966, some Chinese people turned their political orientation toward Deng Xiaoping’s side. He was a rival communist politician to Mao Zedong.

According to Deng Xiaoping, Mao’s Marxist approach to creating a just communist state was inappropriate and outdated.

Even in a political speech Deng Xiaoping once said, those who defend Marxism dogmatically are like chickens that cluck but cannot lay eggs.

It means just bullshit and doesn’t produce anything. In order to make China a modern country, it must give up its Marxist identity.

According to Gatot Triyono in Gatra Magazine on December 31, 1994 entitled, “Evicting Marxism in China”, during the cultural revolution, Mao labeled Deng Xiaoping as a person who did not understand ideology.

But in historical records Deng’s name actually shines more and more along with the slow dissolution of Marxism in 1979.

Deng Xiaoping brought down Mao’s Marxism by accusing the great communist leader in China of forgetting development in order to prioritize the success of Marxist ideology.

Even though ideological interests do not have a definite basis, development can provide progress as well as real welfare for the people.

As a result, Deng Xiaoping and his reformist supporters who were already annoyed with the institutions of Marxism held large-scale demonstrations. Merema demanded free and active development in the field of the country’s economy.

Because previously Marxism was famous for Chen Yuan’s theory which said China’s economy was the same as a bird in a cage. This means that their economy can fly here and there, but their flight is limited by the cage of socialism.

Dissolving Marxism, Encouraging Modernization in China
Apart from bringing out the bird economy, well-known scientist and economist Chem Yuan said that the dissolution of Marxism was aimed at encouraging modernization in China.

So far, Marxism has been an obstacle to the social progress of Chinese society. The dogmas of communism, equal living and equalization of living standards are promises that have never been fulfilled by the teachings of Marxism.

All of that is a lie, even the theory of Marxism adopted by Mao Zedong did not necessarily work. Several times Mao failed to apply the theory of Marxism. One such as agricultural Marxism.

Mao said the cause of crop failure was pests, especially sparrows that eat rice seeds before they become rice. Mao also ordered farmers to catch the birds.

In fact, he also gave prizes (competitions) to farmers who managed to catch a large number of bird pests.

What is the result of the sparrows running out? Insect pests (grasshoppers) are the most detrimental to crop damage because locusts dominate the food chain.

To fix this, Mao also had to import sparrows from Russia using a lot of state funds.

Of course it was Mao’s imprecision in making decisions like that that Deng Xiaoping actually criticized. This means that Mao’s Marxism is irrelevant, outdated and has become a bankrupt ideology.

That’s why Deng Xiaoping said, if the Chinese people still use the essence of Marxism as a guide for politics and life, China’s modernization will never materialize.

The only way of Marxism inherited from Mao must be lost. Destroy the Mao regime and rebuild the glory of the Bamboo Curtain country.

The teachings of Marxism are no longer relevant, the communists are bankrupt and destroyed
The demonstrators demanding the dissolution of the Mao regime carried many posters which roughly described his frustration with the teachings of Marxism.

“Marxism’s teachings are irrelevant, Communist dogmatization is bankrupt and destroyed.” That’s what the posters held up by the demonstrators said.

A similar thing happened in Indonesia, at that time the PKI newspaper (People’s Daily) acknowledged that the teachings of Marxism had expired.

However, due to strong conservative political reasons in Indonesia in the early 1960s, the editor withdrew the published newspaper by revising the title to “Marxism cannot show a solution to all problems”.

In Gatot’s perspective, journalist Gatra, in that correction, it still implies an acknowledgment that Marxism is old-fashioned.

Reflex acknowledgments that cornered Marxism are out of date more and more intense. As a result, the number of demonstrators increased. They no longer believe in the dogmas of Marxism.

Next came the idea that rejecting communism became a practical ideology in China. It has been proven that China only uses communist symbols as mere symbols.

Because in practice China is currently the largest capitalist country in Asia. Their cultural behavior is the same as that of Americans, the difference is that China runs its capitalist economic system in a way that is softer than Uncle Sam’s country.

Capitalism in China penetrates into the deepest foundations of society, even in remote villages. Therefore, the practice of capitalism there is not seen as the cultural behavior of capitalism in the United States.

The history of the dissolution of Marxism in China is in line with the weakening of communist ideology in the Bamboo Curtain country. Even though it still wears a communist mask, the reality is that China is a capitalist country, not much different from America



Suhari Ete

Batam -Indonesia. I love to run. I blog about live, social, labour, lifestyle, + more! My Links (Blog, YouTube, etc.): linktr.ee/Suhariete